Holy Light Academy 


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Our academy is an expression of the Mystical Path, which transcends all religions but is found in each one in some form or fashion. Our aim is to disseminate the Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom, which perpetuates the plan of the Greater Work. Even though we do have a focus on Christian Mysticism, we do not limit ourselves to this.

Throughout time certain spiritual teachers and mystics have endeavored to spread the Teachings and assist sincere seekers in their spiritual unfoldment.

The sincere mystic begins to see and experience realities beyond the veil and soon will be living this higher reality of being. You can start the process by stepping foot on the Mystical Path.



Gnostic Modernity — Genealogies of Modernity




The Mission of the Holy Light Academy


We offer a series of courses that continue the tradition of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings through the Mystical Path. Certain courses, such as “Developing a Relationship with Jesus Christ” and “The Path of the Holy Light,” offer certain disciplines and uplifting spiritual exercises that will assist you in your spiritual unfoldment and your journey on the Esoteric Initiatory Path.  When you seek the Holy Light of the Creator, no matter which tradition you partake of, you will be walking an ancient path that will lead to the Source of Being, or what the mystics called unio mystica, or Mystical Union with God.

As much effort as you put into these courses and exercises, you will benefit much. It is the sincere and devoted seeker that will bear much fruit.

Discipline, devotion, and surrender are important keys to spiritual growth. Those who have walked the Mystical Path and used these keys have been initiated into the Holy Light.

If you have chosen a more specific path, such as Christian Mysticism, then we will explain this as reaching toward Christ Consciousness, which is the Illumined Mind of the Anointed Ones, those who live in the Holy Light of the Creator. However, we also apply the elements of other spiritual traditions and universal principles. Also, the Bible quotes we use in the lessons are from the King James Version. Feel free to compare these with other versions if you wish.

This academy is nonsectarian and nondenominational. We honor all spiritual traditions that thrive in peace, love, and light. We ascribe to no specific dogmas or doctrines. We understand that all the religions and traditions of the world are avenues for aspirants to seek the Truth and the reality of God in their lives. Although the surest way is through the Way of the Spirit, for Spirituality transcends religion and dogma. Truth transcends belief and doctrine. Truth is not knowledge; truth is experiencing the Spirit in all its mystical ramifications.

The circle of spirit guides, angels, and masters of the higher realms are always guiding us, if we allow them, hence, the Greater Work will continue to unfold in our lives.

This correspondence program of the Holy Light Academy will be at no cost to you. If you wish to partake in this correspondence program, please let us know. As you read the lessons in these courses and apply the spiritual disciplines, we ask that you keep in touch with your class instructor via email or by phone. He can assist you with further guidance or questions.


For further details or questions, contact Rt. Rev. Matthew Martin at: thomas@holylightacademy.net



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The Courses of Study:


Developing a Relationship with Jesus Christ

Seekers who follow the path of the Master Jesus may find this course very beneficial.


 The Path of the Holy Light (in four Parts)

Seekers may find this mystical avenue of expression very enlightening and conducive to their spiritual unfoldment by which certain spiritual exercises will prove quite beneficial.


Soul Unfoldment on the Virtuous Path

This is an additional and complementary course to the Path of the Holy Light, focusing exclusively on ten virtues that seekers can apply.


Stepping Stones Along the Path

These are interrelated articles to these courses. Although particular lessons will refer to certain articles along the way, but not all, you may feel free to read these at your leisure.






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The Holy Light Academy is an expression of the Sacred Brotherhood of the Melchizedek Priesthood, comprising mystic priests and teachers who were and still are ordained in the spiritual lineage of Melchizedek, of which the Master Jesus Christ is the Grand High Priest. Many great sages and teachers have likewise shown the Way of the Spirit.

Our goal is to make available the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and

our vision is the advent of the World Illumination.

The truth must not be concealed but revealed to those who will receive it.


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